Tour of Sinharaja forest

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Tour of Sinharaja forest

An excursion through the Sinharaja forest is the most effective method for investigating this priceless repository. The Sinharaja rainforest is designated as a stringent nature reserve and possesses the UNESCO World Heritage Site emblem of protection on account of its ecological significance. This blog post provides an overview of the eighteen trails that can be explored during a Sinharaja rainforest tour, in addition to other essential information that ought to be possessed prior to commencing Sinharaja forest tours.

The background of the Sinharaja rainforest

Sinharaja, which was once a part of Gondwana territory, has remained untouched by detrimental human activities to the present day. Sinharaja is ranked among the world’s top ten biodiversity hotspots. Sinharaja has been recognized as one of the island’s seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1988.

Legend has it that it was the lair of a lion (the sinha’s abode), hence the name Sinharaja. The first historical note on Sinharaja was written by one of the world’s earliest explorers, “Ibn Battuta” (1304 AD–1369 AD).

Sarath, who guides us through the forest and imparts his knowledge regarding this invaluable natural resource of Sri Lanka, explains that dense vegetation, fissures, bushes, and rugged terrain render straying from the path nearly impossible and potentially hazardous. The area of Sinharaja is 21903 acres (8,864 hectares) in size.

Sinharaja in the 2020 IUCN World Heritage Conservation Outlook Assessment

In a report published on December 9, 2020, the “IUCN World Heritage Conservation Outlook Assessment” advises that in order to preserve and restore values over the medium to long term, immediate consideration from relevant parties and additional conservation efforts are required. According to the report, the ecological significance of the forest has diminished substantially over the last several centuries. As a result, the Sinharaja rainforest has been classified as “natural vegetation of significant concern,” meaning that despite encountering numerous challenges, its conservation values are consistently at risk and/or exhibiting indications of degradation.

Nevertheless, the report indicates that the Sinharaja rainforest continues to be a significant ecological resource for the Sri Lankan people, as it provides habitats vital to the survival of globally imperiled species and possesses an irreplaceable ecosystem. Further details regarding the report.

Why select Sinharaja for the Sri Lankan rainforest excursion?

When considering a rainforest tours in Sri Lanka, the Sinharaja rainforest is the ideal destination. In addition to being the largest rainforest on the island, the Sinharaja rainforest has been extensively developed to provide visitors with all the necessary amenities. For instance, the wildlife department has established offices at the primary entrances to the rainforest and assigns knowledgeable guides to visitors, enabling them to acquire knowledge about the forest while being directed to noteworthy locations within it. Tourists may locate lodging in close proximity to the rainforest, if necessary; the options vary from inexpensive dormitories to opulent villas.

Colombo to Sinharaja rainforest excursion

The Sinharaja rainforest excursion is available for reservation from Colombo. This one-day tour typically commences at approximately 06.30 AM. A four-hour guided rainforest excursion led by one of our knowledgeable nature guides and arrival and departure transfers from Colombo are included in the package.

Tour of the Sinharaja forest from the seashore resort

Sinharaja rainforest excursions and over 400 shore resorts on the west coast are both bookable from Colombo. Similarly, the Sinharaja rainforest tour departing from Colombo commences promptly at approximately 06.30 AM on a single day. All ground transportation, entrance tickets, and a guided rainforest expedition led by one of our knowledgeable nature guides are included in this one-day excursion.

Trekking through the Sinharaja rainforest

Beyond the coastal resorts of the western and southern coasts, one can easily discover an entirely different landscape as well as thrilling bird-watching and trekking expeditions, such as the Sinharaja trek. Sinharaja is among the most ideal locations for trekking due to its plethora of trekking routes and varied terrain. As a result, Sinharaja rainforest tours are extremely well-liked by tourists.

In addition to a captivating assortment of flora and fauna, the Sinharaja rainforest provides excellent opportunities for strolling amidst an enchanting panorama of secluded mountains, cascades, rivers, and streams, and is frequently drenched in heavy precipitation. Hundreds of species of avian fauna coexist in the evergreen rainforest of Sinharaja, with many of them being endemic to Sri Lanka. Although Sinharaja’s terrain may present a more manageable trekking experience, it still presents a number of obstacles and abundant benefits.

Package of Sinharaja rainforest

From the exterior, the verdant stands of trees, plants, and creepers, complemented by moss-covered rocks, conjure the atmosphere of a hidden kingdom. A visit to Sinharaja, one of the world’s last remaining primitive rainforests, is the epitome of rejuvenation in the company of the natural world.

A Unesco World Heritage Site and one of the world’s most significant biodiversity centers, the Sinharaja rainforest is home to an abundance of endemic flora and fauna, making it one of the richest rainforests on the planet. Spanning an area of more than 1800 hectares, Sinharaja is situated between the western and Sabargamuwa provinces. It is home to the largest population of avian fauna in Sri Lanka, as well as elephants, leopards, and the enigmatic black panther. Nevertheless, these are merely a few of the most renowned assets in the reserve. An even more captivating phenomenon awaited you during your excursion into the Sinharaja rainforest.

The ecological and historical significance of Sinharaja

The Sinharaja Forest Reserve, the last surviving primordial rainforest in Sri Lanka, is an invaluable forest region on the island. Its estimated age of origin is approximately 180 million years, which places it within the Gondwana Supercontinent. Engaging in one of the Sinharaja rainforest excursions is the most effective method of investigating this extraordinarily valuable repository. Sinharaja is protected by the UNESCO World Heritage Site on account of its ecological significance. This article is replete with beneficial information for organizing your upcoming Sinharaja forest excursion.

A summarized Sinharaja rainforest bundle

7:00 a.m.: Depart Colombo
10.00 a.m.: Arrival at the Weddagala entrance and commencement of the trek.
2:00 p.m. Conclude the rainforest excursion and commence the return voyage.
5.00 p.m Arrival at the hotel in Colombo

How should a Sinharaja forest bundle be organized?

A Sinharaja Rain Forest Tour is among the most exhilarating excursions that visitors to Sri Lanka can partake in while on vacation. Our experience has taught us that the majority of visitors to the Sinharaja rainforest arrange their Sinharaja forest itineraries in advance. Certain tourists impromptu organize a day excursion to the Sinharaja Rain Forest from Colombo or their beach resort, utilizing the services of indigenous tour operators. In contrast, the Sinharaja rainforest excursion provides an exceptional opportunity to observe the abundant biota of one of the most ancient rainforests in the world.

When is the optimal time to begin my Sinharaja forest excursion?

The Sinharaja rainforest is among the most ideal locations in Sri Lanka for bird viewing. Sinharaja harbors numerous Sri Lankan endemic bird species. Early in the morning is the optimal time to observe birds; therefore, bird enthusiasts are strongly encouraged to commence their forest trek at 5:30 am. It is possible to embark on the forest excursion from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. Despite missing the opportunity to access the rainforest early in the morning, one still has a significant chance of observing an abundance of bird species, insects, spiders, butterflies, and more.

When is the Sinharaja bundle most advantageous to purchase?

The Sinharaja forest receives an annual precipitation of over 5000 ml. The primary rainfall season in the forest begins in April and concludes in November in Sinharaja. Although the forest experiences leeches, treacherous slopes, and persistent rain, the rainy season is regarded as the most favorable period to visit throughout the year. Amidst their roaring splendor, the cascades blossom like flowers during this time. Currently, the season is ideal for beholding the stupendous splendor of Sinharaja. Fresh grass covers nearly every inch of the fertile and rocky terrain, which is brought to life in a vibrant shade of green by the ceaseless rainfall.

Weather pattern in Sinharaja Forest
The temperature

A maximum temperature of 28.9 °C was recorded in May, spanning the five seasons (January-April, May, June-August, September, and October-December). This value ranked second highest among the months of January-April, at 28.2 °C. The mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures in the rainforest are recorded as 22°C and 28°C, respectively. April, May, and January are the months with the highest recorded temperatures (25.3°C, 24.9°C, and 25.1°C, respectively), while December has the lowest (23.8°C).

Distortions in yearly precipitation

Sinharaja experiences an average annual precipitation of 5,016 + 632 mm. On a shifting average of two, three, and five years, the annual precipitation for the past few years was 5,023 + 457 mm, 5,003 + 319 mm, and 4997 + 234 mm, respectively.

Colombo to Sinharaja rain forest tour

This Sinharaja rain forest tour departs from Colombo; nevertheless, reservations can be made at Colombo International Airport, Colombo hotels, and over forty coastal hotels along the west coast. The majority of Sinharaja forest packages are private tours, allowing you to explore the rainforest at your own leisure while enjoying the utmost in privacy.

The Sinharaja Rain Forest Tour departs from Colombo at 7:00 a.m., and it takes approximately three hours to travel from Colombo to Sinharaja Rain Forest. The visitors embark on a four-hour rainforest trek that begins at the Weddagala main entrance.

Guests desiring to commence their Sinharaja forest itineraries from a location other than Colombo should contact us via email at The cost and duration of package pickup for the Sinharaja forest vary marginally, contingent upon the location of departure.

What time should the Sinharaja forest excursion commence?

Given that this is a private activity, there is considerable flexibility regarding the commencement date. Nevertheless, we advise the group to depart at 7:00 a.m., so that they may have the opportunity to explore the national park prior to noon. However, if you have a penchant for birds and wish to observe them, we advise you to depart the hotel at approximately 4:00 AM from the shore or in Colombo. This will allow you to witness a multitude of bird species throughout the rainforest trek.

Why utilize the entrance to Weddagala?

Our nature specialists assert that Sinharaja rainforest excursions departing from Weddagala are considerably more engaging than those commencing at the Pitadeniya entrance. Upon conducting an analysis of the feedback provided by travelers who embarked on the Sinharaja expedition, it has come to our attention that the Weddagala Sinharaja entrance is more advantageous for excursions encompassing the Sinharaja rain forest.

Starting the Sinharaja tour at the Weddagala entrance is strongly advised for those in search of an abundance of avian and faunal species. Nevertheless, cascades will be out of sight as one commences the rainforest trek from the entrance at Weddagala. The Weddagala ticket counter is the most frequented starting point for the Sinharaja rainforest excursion, with ninety percent of visitors commencing their march from there.

Pitadeniya Sinharaja entrance is a popular destination for visitors departing from south coast beach resorts due to its proximity to these locations. Sinharaja southern entrance, also referred to as the Pitadeniya Sinharaja entrance, grants access to five magnificent cascades. This trek, in contrast to the one that departs from the Weddagala entrance, does not offer the opportunity to observe a substantial variety of avian species.

The site of the Sinharaja rainforest

The Sinharaja forest reserve, situated between Sabaragamuwa and the Western province of southwest Sri Lanka, is most accurately characterized as a semi-montane evergreen rain forest at a low elevation. By the southern expressway, the distance from Colombo to the Kudawa entrance gate of Sinharaja is 128 kilometers, and the journey time from Colombo to Sinharaja is approximately three hours. The travel time between Colombo and the Mediripitiya entrance portal of Sinharaja is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes over a distance of 142 kilometers.

The significance of the Sinharaja forest

Sinharaja rain forest encompasses a diverse range of topographical features, including mountains, grasslands, valleys, and more. Compared to all other rainforests in the country, Sinharaja Forest has the highest density of flora and fauna species, which gives it a distinct ecosystem. The Sinharaja Forest harbors an exceptional assortment of plant and animal species.

Ecologists place significant value on the uniqueness and importance of these entities. Over sixty percent of the trees and plants in the Sinharaja forest are indigenous to Sri Lanka, with a significant number of them being uncommon and exclusive to the forest. Additionally, a considerable variety of faunal species are unique to the Sinharaja forest. This collection contains numerous species of reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, birds, butterflies, and mammals. Due to its abundance of flora and fauna, Sinharaja, the most valuable rainforest on the island, is a frequent stop on road trips in Sri Lanka.

The magnitude of the Sinharaja tropical forest

Beyond 8000 hectares in size, the Sinharaja forest reserve is situated at an altitude of 1170 to 1170 meters above mean sea level. Two sections comprise the forest: the Proposed Forest Patch, which encompasses 2772 hectares, and the Forest Reserve, which spans 6092 hectares.

Rivers, streams, and cascades comprise a vast network of perennial waterways that traverse the ridges and valleys of Sinharaja Forest. Sinharaja Forest, a significant catchment area on the island, experiences exceptionally heavy annual precipitation. Sinharaja Forest Reserve is the source of the principal tributaries of the Gin and Kalu flows.

Biodiversity in the Sinharaja Rain Forest

The Sinharaja Rain Forest Tour provides a significant opportunity to observe rare plant species, including carnivore plants, that are indigenous to Sri Lanka. Among the 217 species of endemic trees and woody climbers that are found in the lowlands of the island, 139 species (64 percent) have been identified within the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. Sixteen species of these trees and vegetation are classified as extremely rare. 830 species of endemic vegetation and forests are present on the island.

The Sinharaja Forest Reserve Tour provides an additional advantageous occasion to investigate the island’s abundant fauna. However, numerous species of animals can be observed in other areas of the island. In contrast to the majority of other Sri Lankan national parks (Yala National Park, Udawalawe, and Minneriya), the Sinharaja Forest Reserve Tour features an abundance of bird, butterfly, amphibian, insect, and reptile species. Observing leopards, elephants, or bears is an exceedingly remote possibility.

Sinharaja forest excursions and avian observation

Sinharaja forest reserve travels are essential to the majority of bird-watching excursions in Sri Lanka, as they provide the opportunity to observe a vast array of avian fauna species in the forest. Sinharaja is home to 19 of the 25 endemic bird species in Sri Lanka; therefore, excursions through the Sinharaja forest reserve offer the most effective opportunity to encounter these unique avian species. Observing the majority of these endemic bird species outside of Sinharaja is exceedingly rare; thus, Sinharaja forest reserve tours are the most effective method to do so.

Sinharaja Forest offers the most advantageous opportunity to observe butterflies.

On the island, Sinharaja forest reserve excursions also provide the opportunity to observe an extensive variety of butterfly species. The majority of butterflies in the country have been placed on the red list by the IUCN, which attributes the gradual decline of the butterfly population to habitat loss. Tours of the Sinharaja forest reserve afford visitors the opportunity to observe an assortment of rare butterfly and mammal species. Endemism is attributed to over fifty percent of the butterflies and mammals in the Sinharaja forest reserve.

What animal species are most frequently observed during a Sinharaja forest tour?

The following is a list of the most frequently observed animal species in the Sinharaja rainforest; however, due to their extreme rarity, Sinharaja forest reserve excursions do not guarantee the opportunity to encounter any of them.

  • Elephants of India (Elephas maxiumus)
  • Leopard (Pardus Panthera)
  • Cowpar torringtoni, or the Sri Lanka wood pigeon
  • Purple-faced Langur atrocity (Presbytis senex)
  • White-headed starling of Sri Lankan descent (Sturnus senex)
  • Blue magpie of Sri Lanka (Cissa ornate)
  • The broad-billed roller of Sri Lanka (Eurystomus orientalis irisi)
  • Coucal with a green bill (Centropus chlororrhynchus)
  • Babbler with an ashy cranium (Garrulax cinereifrons)

Hints at the Sinharaja forest entrance

Sinharaja forest reserve excursions can be undertaken via a limited number of trails; however, the majority of such tours commence at the entrances of Kudawa or Weddagala, with the Mediripitiya gate also being a frequently visited starting point.

The sixth point is the most frequent departure for Sinharaja rainforest excursions.

  • Trail of Kudawala-Moulawella

This three-kilometer trek traverses the forest’s northwestern region. You are afforded the opportunity to investigate a segment of managed land with dense forest cover.

  • The Kudawa-Sinhagala route

Achieving this trail is a thrilling endeavor that demands optimal physical and mental preparedness. The approximately 8-kilometer trek is among the most picturesque in the forest. The trek culminates at Sinhagala, one of the forest’s peaks, situated at an elevation of approximately 740 meters above sea level.

  • Oya Pitadeniya-Pathan

By opting for the Pitadeniya-Pathan-Oya trek as part of your Sinharaja forest reserve excursion, you will have the opportunity to investigate Hathna Ella (Pathan River) and Hathna Ella (Hathan waterfall). Along this route, you will come across primary forest cover. There are ten kilometers of the trek.

  • The Neluwa-Kosmulla route

An analogous length of 10 kilometers characterizes the Neluwa-Kosmulla trail and the Pitadeniya-Pathanoya trail. Duvili Ella, one of the most aesthetically pleasing waterfalls on the island, along with a number of caverns, are the principal attractions of the trek. During this excursion to Deniya, a considerable number of sambhar deer and water buffaloes are likely to be spotted.

  • Ella Pitadeniya-Kekuna Trail

The waterfall serves as the trail’s final destination. This is a relatively straightforward excursion, and you will have the opportunity to observe the forest’s abundant and varied flora and fauna.

  • Trails along Morningside-Duvili Ella

This trail ascends to Duvili Ella, also known as the dust cascade. The predominant forest type traversed along this route is submontane grasslands.

At what time should my Sinharaja rain forest excursion commence?

Sinharaja rainforest excursions should commence no later than 7.30 am. Daily, at 6 a.m., the ticket counter becomes operational. Anticipate heavy precipitation from April to November, during the southwest monsoon, whereas the remainder of the year receives less precipitation.

While many Sri Lankan tour operators provide excursions to the Sinharaja forest reserve, the Sinharaja southern trail that leads to the southern Sinharaja cascades is exclusively offered by Seerendipity tours. This private excursion commences at your hotel and progresses through the countryside in a four-wheel-drive jeep. Seerendipity Tours will render their services indispensable in facilitating the process of reserving Sinharaja forest reserve excursions.

What is the admission fee to the Sinharaja rain forest?

The adult entrance fee to the Sinharaja rainforest is LKR 575, while minors pay LKR 295 to enter.

Where can one locate excursion guides for the Sinharaja forest reserve?

The admission counter is where a tour guide for the Sinharaja can be obtained.

We advise that, in order to acquire the most exhaustive knowledge regarding the flora and fauna of the Sinharaja forest reserve, you employ the services of a tour guide. Due to the fact that Sinharaja tour guides are intimately familiar with the forest’s flora and fauna, you will receive the most precise and comprehensive information possible.

An affordably priced Sinharaja tour guide is readily available for hire. Guide fees for treks, on the other hand, are approximately LKR 1500, with rates being highly dependent on the expertise of the guide. Youths from the villages encircling the Sinharaja forest reserve, which is one of the most significant sources of income for the locals, comprise the majority of Sinharaja tour guides. Away from the forest, where the escorts are knowledgeable, it is impossible to become disoriented.The regions of Kalawana and Weddagala contain a limited selection of lodging establishments.

How can I locate lodging in preparation for Sinharaja forest tours?

Accommodation options in Sinharaja are limited in number. A limited number of star-class hotels and purveyors of luxury accommodations can be found in this area. In close proximity to the Pitadeniya and Kudawa entrance gates, an assortment of modest establishments can be found, such as rest houses and guesthouses. Housing that is secure, comfortable, and clean at an affordable price. The majority of these accommodations are available for reservations via the hotel’s website, local tour operators, or the internet.

Additionally, dormitories and homestay accommodations are available. Numerous families residing in the neighboring villages offer hospitality accommodations at an exceptionally economical cost. This is the most suitable lodging option in Sinharaja for travelers operating under a highly constrained budget.

Tour of the Southern Sinharaja forest

Sinharaja’s southern extremity is regarded as one of the most valuable forest sections in Sri Lanka, as it contains campsites for forest rangers and forest department personnel. While walking around the area is enjoyable for visitors, guide services are available in the nearby town of Deniyaya and among the villagers of Mederipitiya, which is one of the villages within the buffer zone.

Pitadeniya campsite offers upgraded lodging, an entrance with a ticket counter, guide services, and a map illustrating the various alternatives for natural and maintained trails at the southern terminus. Hiking opportunities in the vicinity of the UNESCO World Heritage Site are noteworthy and well worth the lengthy journey from Colombo.

A narrow road weaves its way from the town of Deniyaya through a sloping rural landscape to the Sinharaja Forest Reserve’s upgraded official entrance at its southernmost point. This less frequented route offers a comparable or superior view of biodiversity, traversing degraded secondary forests, buffer zone communities, riverine ecosystems, and virgin regions, among other microclimates.

Commencing one’s stroll from the Mederipitiya bus stop area, traversing the bridge that passes by the temple, and following the footprint that winds through residential areas, rice paddies, tea plantations, and private gardens, one approaches the tranquility and embrace of the rainforest.

Recently, a number of trails have been delineated to showcase the hues, forms, and auditory experiences of this exquisitely balanced forest, renowned for its diverse array of plant and animal species as well as its compacted topographical and ecological characteristics. The trails, the majority of which terminate at a water source, lead to Pathan Oya Ela and Kekunu Ela via the Aranuwa Dola. The steep, winding paths make the ascent more difficult, necessitating vigilant observation of the forest floor in order to prevent entrapment by boulders and roots.

Additionally, a forest-cut trail leads to Mal Mora Ela, which terminates at a cascade encircled by palm trees that become translucent due to the filtered sunlight. The most extensive and warranting the majority of the day is the ascent to Sinhagala, a forested vantage point offering an awe-inspiring panorama of foliage beyond visual reach. A formidable lion once ruled atop this boulder, according to legend, until a giant killed it with an arrow fired from an adjacent peak.

Sinharaja’s most renowned creatures are the birds that line the foot-cycle path along the banks of the Gin Ganga, which forms his boundary. Nevertheless, observing them necessitates not only standing still in leech territory but also patience and perseverance. Treks commence along this path.

The foliage is visually appealing and features an intricate arrangement of barks, trunks, roots, buttresses, leaves, blossoms, vines, ferns, orchids, and lichens that are fortified with natural survival mechanisms. In fact, the foliage is specifically designed to thrive in the rainforest environment. An abundance of vibrantly colored or intricately designed insects and reptiles are observed strewn throughout the vegetation.

What sixteen hiking trails are included in the Sinharaja Forest Package?

  • Wathurawa-Wathurawa-lawella, Kudawa Conservation Centre
  • Jeep track traversing Wathurawa-Mulawella from Kudawa Conservation Centre to Kudawa Research Station
  • Kudawa Conservation Centre to Nawanda Tree; Sinhagala Trail to Gal Len Yaya; Mulawella Peak
  • Trail from Kudawa to the Sinhagala Research Station From Kudawa
  • Gal Yen Yaya
  • Sinhagala Peak
  • Pitadeniya Centre for Conservation
  • Counter for Pitadeniya Tickets
  • Path from the Pitadeniya Conservation Centre to Mediripitiya
  • Kohila Aamba Trail (J. Kohila Aramba)
  • Path K: Pata-oua Ella and Kekuna Ella-Kekuna Ella
  • Pitadeniya to Patan-Oya Ella-Sinhagala Trail, L.
  • From Denuwakanda, follow the Duwili Ella (Kosmulla)-Duwili Ella Trail.
  • Duwili Ella Trail, Morningside Conservation Centre, originating from MCC
  • From the morningside, proceed to the natural pool.
  • The morningside train departs Kosmulla and arrives at Siththara Gal Lena (cave) via Duwili Ella.

Why choose the Sinharaja rainforest tour with Seerendipity Tours?

Headquartered in Colombo, Seerendipity Tour is a wholly locally owned travel agency. A key strength of Seerendipity Tours is its exceptionally knowledgeable local personnel, which can assist you in organizing your ideal holiday to Sri Lanka.

Ensuring the most favorable price for your Sinharaja forest tour

When you make a reservation through Seerendipity Tours, you are making a direct booking with the local company. This eliminates the need for intermediaries and ensures that you receive the most competitive price. Simply get in touch with us and specify your travel plans and preferred tourist destinations.

Expertly organize your ideal Sinharaja forest tour

Our staff will create a customized itinerary for you, which you are free to modify until you discover the ideal Sri Lanka vacation package. Additionally, for your perusal, we have pre-existing tour packages available at; each of these customizable tour packages can be modified to precisely fulfill your requirements. Contact us via telephone or email at [WordPress] 0094-77-4440977; 0094-77-440977

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